A little About Me...

My name is Yannis. I'm a UX designer. I love creating designs that make an impact on people's lives.

My story
Growing up in Shantou, I was immersed in a culture that is distinct from the rest of China, with its own language, cuisine, and traditions. This exposure to a unique culture has given me an appreciation for the importance of understanding the needs and values of different user groups, which I bring to my work as a UX designer. During my high school years in Canada, I had the opportunity to learn about different cultures from my homestay family and through my interactions with other international students, which opened my eyes to the importance of respecting and honoring different perspectives and ways of life. As an Econ and CS double major, I have always been interested in using data-driven solutions to create positive change. Through my UX design course, I have discovered a passion for creating user-centered experiences that are intuitive, accessible, and enjoyable. My diverse background and exposure to different cultures have given me a unique perspective that I believe will be invaluable in my future work as a UX designer, allowing me to create designs that are not only functional and effective but also culturally sensitive and inclusive.

Some of my skills...

User testing

Creative thinking

User interface


Design sprints

User experience

Color theory

Responsive design