
UX design 
Related Course
CS220 - Human-Computer Interaction
UX design 
Figma, Miro


HeartString sought to address the unique challenges faced by international students, primarily the disconnection from family due to time differences and distance. Inspired by the strength and resilience of these students, our team aimed to create a gratitude-oriented solution that bridged the gap and nurtured connections despite the miles.

User Research


International students at Wellesley College have little opportunity to connect meaningfully with their family/friends who are back at home. Many cite challenges such as little opportunities for real-time communication methods (eg. video call) with their family/friends and difficulties scheduling calling times due to time zones. For these students, they have little opportunities to show off what their daily life at Wellesley College looks like to friends and family far away. This contributes to increasing feelings of isolation and loneliness that international students feel. 

Based on semi-structured interviews and content analysis, it was found that international students at Wellesley faced challenges due to cultural differences and being far from their home countries, resulting in social isolation. Many of these students expressed gratitude by connecting with friends from their home country. Additionally, almost all interviewees expressed a desire to express more gratitude to those who supported them during their college experience, including friends, family, and mentors, as well as acknowledging their own efforts.

User Personas

Based on our interview data, we created two user personas, Mina Kim and Wendy Cai. The key difference between our two personas is one is extroverted and has a straightforward way of expressing gratitude while the other one is introverted and uses more subtle ways to express gratitude.


Based on our interview data, we identified three key tasks as core actions to our solution:

  • An international Wellesley student sending a message/image to their parents based on a prompt
  • Parents receiving and interacting with the post their child sent them via the app
  • Parents and child reminiscing about memories through viewing images on the app

I worked collaboratively with a teammate to design the structure of the memory feature.

Design solution

Create an app that allows for both family/friends back at home to co-create memories with the user (an international Wellesley College student) without relying on real-time communication. 

Wendy's day starts at 8:00 am with morning classes, followed by studying at a Back Bay café or her room. Evenings involve club meetings and occasional calls with friends and family back home. On weekends, she enjoys potluck dinners with fellow international students as a special treat.
Mina starts her day with stretches, meditation, and a healthy breakfast. After attentive learning in class, she studies in the library and unwinds in her dorm. Cherishing calls with loved ones, she balances schoolwork, socializing, and campus activities. Mindfulness and gratitude practices round off her day.
The memory feature enables users to review past posts, observe personal growth, and compile cherished memories. Users can create and share photo or video montages with music or voice overs, keeping loved ones connected and informed about their life experiences, while preserving precious moments for future reflection.
Low fidelity sketches